HMRC to extend data gathering powers

HMRC has had considerable success in using third party data to better target compliance activity and to tackle the hidden economy. A current consultation by HMRC proposes that these data gathering powers be extended in order to combat tax evasion. We have extracted the following comments from the formal consultation document. Many businesses use intermediaries […]

Tapered pensions annual allowance

 Legislation in Summer Finance Bill 2015 introduces a tapered reduction in the annual allowance from 6 April 2016, for those with an ‘adjusted income’ of over £150,000. The ‘adjusted income’ definition adds-back any pension contributions, to prevent individuals from avoiding the restriction by exchanging salary for employer contributions. To provide certainty for individuals with lower […]


 There were a number of measures in the Summer Budget that will impact the taxation of property income. These include: the abolition of the 10% wear and tear allowance (see details below); the restriction of tax relief to the basic rate (20%) for loan interest on funds raised to purchase residential property for letting. This […]

Offshore tax evaders and their advisers will face even tougher sanctions

 The new regime to crack down on offshore evaders, which HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will consult on from 16 July, includes: a new criminal offence for offshore evasion – so in the worst cases it’s no longer possible to plead ignorance in an attempt to avoid criminal prosecution a new criminal offence for corporates […]