If you are involved in the transport of goods to and from the EU HMRC have posted useful guidance on what you will need to do to accommodate a no-deal Brexit on 31st of this month.
The guidance can be downloaded as a PDF from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/836920/transporting-goods-between-the-uk-and-eu-in-a-no-deal-brexit-guidance-for-hauliers.pdf
Transitional arrangements are in place regarding licenses and permits.
The EU has agreed that for a transitional period UK hauliers will be able to continue using their current licences to do journeys to and from the EU. This currently applies until 31 December 2019 and is likely to be extended to 31 July 2020.
Hauliers holding a Community Licence will be able to continue using these after a no-deal Brexit for the transitional period. Hauliers applying for or renewing a Community Licence after a no-deal Brexit will instead receive a ‘UK Licence for the Community’, which will give the same rights.
A copy of the Community Licence (or the new ‘UK Licence for the Community’) has to be carried on board all vehicles when working in the EU.
The Community Licence (or the new ‘UK Licence for the Community’) will not be valid for international road haulage journeys made by UK hauliers through the EU to countries outside the EU and EEA – these will require ECMT permits.
Some ‘cross-trade’ (movements between two EU countries) and ‘cabotage’ (movements within an EU country) will be permitted in the transitional period. Until 31 December 2019 at least up to 2 loaded cabotage or cross-trade journeys will be possible per week.
As there is still no “certain” outcome for Brexit, please note that the above comments only apply to a no-deal scenario. If you need help sorting the wood from the trees, please call.
Source: New feed